Benefits for Competitors Benefits for Trial Secretaries
Dog Watching Laptop

The MyDogEntry Trial Listing

MyDogEntry (MDE) provides a quick and easy way for competitors to access these trial details all in one place:

  • Opening date, closing date, and move-up deadline.
  • AKC, UKI, or USDAA event number and link to the corresponding website.
  • Class pricing summary, package price, and junior handler discount.
  • Trial secretary, judge, and course designer names.
  • Buttons to download the premium, confirmation letter, run order, maps, and results PDFs.
  • Buttons to view club and venue information. Directions to the venue are provided if the competitor is logged into their MDE online account.
  • Custom buttons for additional resources, including other PDFs, links, and mini-web pages.
  • Doors open and first dog times. All times are displayed in the venue's local time zone.
  • Detailed class list. CPE class levels are hidden until after closing.

The trial secretary enters this information easily using menus and forms so the MDE system can build and format these pages automatically.

Woman with Credit Card

The MyDogEntry Online Account

Competitors create an MDE online account in order to create their first online entry. They provide the same information that's typically requested on a paper trial premium, and that information is saved for future entries, so it only has to be entered once.

Competitors can create an online entry for a particular trial, select which classes they want to enter with each of their dogs, see the total amount due, and decide when to submit and pay for that entry. Their dogs are not entered in the trial until full payment is received.

The MDE Online Account Balance

If a competitor pulls from a trial before closing, they can choose to receive a credit card refund immediately or have the money remain in their MDE online account for future online entries.

Competitors may also fund their MDE online account with a Zelle bank transfer. Many banks include Zelle in their online banking services and it is often free.

Club Coupons

Clubs may choose to issue "club coupons" to competitors. For example, a club coupon could be awarded to a volunteer raffle winner. Trial secretaries enter the club coupon information into MDE instead of passing out paper vouchers that must be returned. All club coupons a competitor has received are shown in their MDE online account and are automatically redeemed when they enter the next trial offered by that club.

Dog Shredding Paper

Entry Methods

There are two ways for a competitor to enter a trial using MDE:

Full Online Entry

Competitors create an online entry and pay online with a credit card, a debit card, a club coupon, or their MDE online account balance. Payments are processed immediately, and email confirmation should arrive within minutes. If there is a waitlist, the competitor's credit card is saved by Square, and will only be charged if the waitlist request is satisfied.

Clubs do not need their own credit card processing account since competitor credit card payments are processed using the MDE Square account.

Competitors can make changes to their online entry until the trial closing date. After the trial has closed, only move-ups and move-downs can be processed online until the move-up deadline.

Competitors pay a $1 website fee and a 3.52% processing fee. Payments from a club coupon or an MDE online account balance receive a cash discount equal to the processing fee.

Online Paper Entry

Competitors can also create an online entry and print a pre-filled entry form to mail with a check. The trial secretary simply marks the entry paid when payment is received, and no additional data entry is required.

Move-ups and move-downs can be done online by the competitor before the move-up deadline. Competitors must contact the trial secretary for any other changes.

Competitors pay a $1 website fee.

Dog with Clock

Real-Time Run Order

Competitors can check-in online each morning using a web browser on a computer, tablet, or cell phone. No app is required.

Gating is performed using any tablet that can run the Chrome browser and has Internet access. The screen resolution should be at least 800 pixels wide for the best results.

Any device with an Internet browser (Chrome works best) can be used to display the run order at the trial venue. Up to four rings can be displayed on the same screen.

When the trial run order is created in MDE, each run is assigned an estimated run time.

As dogs are marked "Just Ran" using the gating tablet, the estimated times for the rest of the day are updated automatically.

As the day progresses, the time estimates for later in the day become more accurate.

Real-Time Run Order is completely integrated with the MDE online entry system, so no files need to be transferred. The trial secretary literally only needs to check one box to enable Real-Time Run Order for each trial.

Benefits for Competitors Benefits for Trial Secretaries