Jan 4 to Jan 5, 2025 • Canine New England UKIWalpole MA
Open: Dec 4 at 9 AM EST, Close: Dec 28 at 11 PM EST, Moveup: Dec 30 at 6 PM EST
UKI Event 5942
Masters Series $38, Other Classes $19
Secretary: Catie Williams
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4" to 24"
Doors Open: 7:15 AM EST
Judge: Erin Schaefer
Designer: Ashley Deacon
First Dog: 8 AM EST
Agility Beg-Nov
Agility Sen-Chp
Masters Agility
Masters Jumping
Jumping Sen-Chp
Jumping Beg-Nov
Speedstakes Beg-Nov
Speedstakes Sen-Chp
Speedstakes Beg-Nov #2
Speedstakes Sen-Chp #2
24" to 4"
Doors Open: 7:15 AM EST
Judge: Erin Schaefer
Designer: Ashley Deacon
First Dog: 8 AM EST
Speedstakes Beg-Nov
Speedstakes Sen-Chp
Jumping Beg-Nov
Jumping Sen-Chp
Jumping Beg-Nov #2
Jumping Sen-Chp #2
Agility Beg-Nov
Agility Sen-Chp
Agility Beg-Nov #2
Agility Sen-Chp #2
Jan 11 to Jan 12, 2025 • All Dogs CPEManchester NH
Open: Nov 29 at 9 AM EST, Close: Dec 27 at 11 PM EST, Moveup: Jan 6 at 6 PM EST
All Classes $15, Junior Handler Discount: $8
Secretary: All Dogs Agility
Judge & Designer: Mark Giles
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Saturday • 375 runs (250 online)
4" to 24"
Doors Open: 7 AM EST
First Dog: 8 AM EST
Sunday • 375 runs (250 online)
24" to 4"
Doors Open: 7 AM EST
First Dog: 8 AM EST
Jan 17, 2025 • AK9C UKIAmherst NH
Close: Jan 7 at 11 PM EST, Moveup: Jan 13 at 6 PM EST
UKI Event 5824
Masters Series $36, Other Classes $16
Secretary: K-9 Agility Services
Judge & Designer: Jason Pierce
Create EntryPremiumClub/VenueDirections
4" to 24"
Doors Open: 8 AM EST
First Dog: 9 AM EST
Speedstakes Beg-Nov
Speedstakes Sen-Chp
Speedstakes Beg-Nov #2
Speedstakes Sen-Chp #2
Masters Jumping
Jumping Beg-Nov
Jumping Sen-Chp
Masters Agility
Agility Beg-Nov
Agility Sen-Chp
Jan 18 to Jan 19, 2025 • PAWS USDAAAmherst NH
Close: Jan 7 at 11 PM EST, Moveup: Jan 13 at 6 PM EST
USDAA Event 115243
Biathlon $34, Grand Prix Qualifier $24, Steeplechase $24, Other Classes $16
Secretary: K-9 Agility Services
Judge & Designer: Jason Pierce
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Champ, Perf, Vet
Doors Open: 7 AM EST
First Dog: 8 AM EST
Masters P3V Standard
Advanced P2 Standard
Starters P1 Standard
Biathlon Standard
Masters P3V Gamblers
Advanced P2 Gamblers
Starters P1 Gamblers
Biathlon Jumpers
Masters P3V Jumpers
Advanced P2 Jumpers
Starters P1 Jumpers
Vet, Perf, Champ
Doors Open: 7 AM EST
First Dog: 8 AM EST
Starters P1 Snooker
Advanced P2 Snooker
Masters P3V Snooker
Starters P1 Jumpers
Advanced P2 Jumpers
Masters P3V Jumpers
Combined Pairs
Combined Pairs #2
Starters P1 Gamblers
Advanced P2 Gamblers
Masters P3V Gamblers
Grand Prix Qualifier
Starters P1 Standard
Advanced P2 Standard
Masters P3V Standard
Jan 25 to Jan 26, 2025 • Riverside K9 CPENashua NH
Close: Jan 14 at 11 PM EST, Moveup: Jan 20 at 6 PM EST
All Classes $13, Junior Handler Discount: $6
Secretary: K-9 Agility Services
Judge & Designer: Judy Raffone
Create EntryPremiumClub/VenueDirections
Saturday • 400 runs (225 online)
4" to 24"
Doors Open: 8 AM EST
First Dog: 9 AM EST
Sunday • 400 runs (225 online)
24" to 4"
Doors Open: 8 AM EST
First Dog: 9 AM EST
Feb 7, 2025 • AK9C UKIAmherst NH
Close: Jan 28 at 11 PM EST, Moveup: Feb 3 at 6 PM EST
UKI Event 5825
Masters Series $36, Other Classes $16
Secretary: K-9 Agility Services
Judge & Designer: Karen Gloor
Create EntryPremiumClub/VenueDirections
Friday • 400 runs (325 online)
24" to 4"
Doors Open: 8 AM EST
First Dog: 9 AM EST
Speedstakes Beg-Nov
Speedstakes Sen-Chp
Masters Jumping
Jumping Beg-Nov
Jumping Sen-Chp
Jumping Beg-Nov #2
Jumping Sen-Chp #2
Masters Agility
Agility Beg-Nov
Agility Sen-Chp
Feb 8 to Feb 9, 2025 • PAWS USDAAAmherst NH
Close: Jan 29 at 11 PM EST, Moveup: Feb 3 at 6 PM EST
USDAA Event 115244
Grand Prix Qualifier $24, Steeplechase $24, Other Classes $16
Secretary: K-9 Agility Services
Judge & Designer: Karen Gloor
Create EntryPremiumClub InfoVenue InfoDirections
Vet, Perf, Champ
Doors Open: 7 AM EST
First Dog: 8 AM EST
Starters P1 Gamblers
Advanced P2 Gamblers
Masters P3V Gamblers
Starters P1 Standard
Advanced P2 Standard
Masters P3V Standard
Grand Prix Qualifier
Starters P1 Snooker
Advanced P2 Snooker
Masters P3V Snooker
Starters P1 Jumpers
Advanced P2 Jumpers
Masters P3V Jumpers
Champ, Perf, Vet
Doors Open: 7 AM EST
First Dog: 8 AM EST
Masters P3V Jumpers
Advanced P2 Jumpers
Starters P1 Jumpers
Masters P3V Snooker
Advanced P2 Snooker
Starters P1 Snooker
Combined Pairs
Combined Pairs #2
Masters P3V Standard
Advanced P2 Standard
Starters P1 Standard
Masters P3V Gamblers
Feb 22 to Feb 23, 2025 • Riverside K9 CPENashua NH
Close: Feb 11 at 11 PM EST, Moveup: Feb 17 at 6 PM EST
All Classes $13, Junior Handler Discount: $6
Secretary: K-9 Agility Services
Judge & Designer: Sarah Carson
Create EntryPremiumClub/VenueDirections
Saturday • 400 runs (225 online)
4" to 24"
Doors Open: 8 AM EST
First Dog: 9 AM EST
Sunday • 400 runs (225 online)
24" to 4"
Doors Open: 8 AM EST
First Dog: 9 AM EST
Mar 14, 2025 • AK9C UKIAmherst NH
Close: Mar 4 at 11 PM EST, Moveup: Mar 10 at 6 PM EDT
UKI Event 5966
Masters Series $36, Other Classes $16
Secretary: K-9 Agility Services
Judge & Designer: Kelly Ely
Create EntryPremiumClub/VenueDirections
Friday • 400 runs (325 online)
4" to 24"
Doors Open: 8 AM EDT
First Dog: 9 AM EDT
Speedstakes Beg-Nov
Speedstakes Sen-Chp
Masters Jumping
Jumping Beg-Nov
Jumping Sen-Chp
Masters Agility
Agility Beg-Nov
Agility Sen-Chp
Agility Beg-Nov #2
Agility Sen-Chp #2
Mar 15 to Mar 16, 2025 • PAWS USDAAAmherst NH
Close: Mar 4 at 11 PM EST, Moveup: Mar 10 at 6 PM EDT
USDAA Event 115245
Biathlon $34, Grand Prix Qualifier $24, Steeplechase $24, Other Classes $16
Secretary: K-9 Agility Services
Judge & Designer: Kelly Ely
Create EntryPremiumClub InfoVenue InfoDirections
Vet, Perf, Champ
Doors Open: 7 AM EDT
First Dog: 8 AM EDT
Masters P3V Standard
Advanced P2 Standard
Starters P1 Standard
Biathlon Standard
Masters P3V Gamblers
Advanced P2 Gamblers
Starters P1 Gamblers
Masters P3V Jumpers
Advanced P2 Jumpers
Starters P1 Jumpers
Biathlon Jumpers
Masters P3V Snooker
Advanced P2 Snooker
Starters P1 Snooker
Champ, Perf, Vet
Doors Open: 7 AM EDT
First Dog: 8 AM EDT
Starters P1 Snooker
Advanced P2 Snooker
Masters P3V Snooker
Starters P1 Jumpers
Advanced P2 Jumpers
Masters P3V Jumpers
Combined Pairs
Combined Pairs #2
Starters P1 Gamblers
Advanced P2 Gamblers
Masters P3V Gamblers
Grand Prix Qualifier
Starters P1 Standard
Advanced P2 Standard
Masters P3V Standard